What if Google Search Engine IS a Person?

Can you imagine what if Google search engine is a person? What will be the reaction to variety of question or key word that have been requested from people all over the world?  Some questions must be dump and some are funny.

Collage humor has created very funny video to show what could the person handle various questions from people all over the world.

Enjoy the show!!.

Real English - The American Dream

Hi again - I have just come across this video called The American Dream. This video is very interesting. It is an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today and there is nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have today.

Apart from the knowledge, as usual, there are many vocabularies that you will learn in this video. The good thing is there are English subtitles to read along in case we can't keep up with the rapid message in the video.

Good resource to learn English and also learn how the monetary system works in America nowadays. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Please stay tuned. Remember more input, better output. Good-bye, until then...

- Mitty -