Word Usage: Responsible

Responsible (Adjective) There were many occasion I saw people using the word responsible incorrectly. Some didn't use it with the right preposition. There are 2 prepositions that can come after responsible which are for and to. หลายต่อหลายครั้งที่ผมได้รับ email จากทั้งเพื่อนร่วมงานและคนอื่นๆ...

Left VS Right

Learning Phrase/Sentence:         There are two sides of my brain, the right side and the left side. There is nothing left on the right and there is nothing right on the left.         Meaning:...

Successful People VS Unsuccessful People

I have come a cross the article from somewhere talking about the different things that successful people and unsuccessful people have and do. Below are what they have said. See if you agree with this. ...

Learning Real English - Family Album USA

Today I'd like to introduce one of the greatest English lesson, it is Family Album USA. I have watched every episodes of the lessons and I enjoyed watching and learning from the lessons very much. To my surprise, I have watched the lessons more than 5 times. This is really one of...

Nelson Howe - BKK 1st Time : ตอนโดนคนไทยด่าครั้งแรก

This is a very funny video, Nelson Howe talked about his first time being scolded in Thailand. What made me laugh to death was "You father died". This is an example of how we Thai translate Thai to English word for word. The structure of the language was correct, but the communication...

ข้อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ENG1001 (EN101) ปี 2550/1

การสอบไล่ภาค 1 ปีการศึกษา 2550 ข้อสอบกระบวนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ENG1001 (รหัสวิชาเดิม EN101) ENG1001(EN101) Final Examination - Semester 1/2550 ชื่อวิชา: ประโยคพื้นฐานและศัพท์จำเป็นในชีวิตประจำวัน Basic Sentences and Essential Vocabulary In Daily Life 1.) Jim is _________ surgeon....