Exercise 5.3: Underline the adjective that acts as a complement of the subject of each item.
She appeared strong after the operation.
She will go mad if you tell her that disappointing news.
When it gets dark, bats will go out to get...
Exercise 5.3: Underline the adjective that acts as a complement of the subject of each item
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 7:26 PM
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Exercise 5.1 : Identify if the given sentences is Transitive verbs or Intransitive verbs. Also, identify direct object if they are transitive verbs.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 11:41 AM
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Exercise 5.1 : Identify if the given sentences is Transitive verbs or Intransitive verbs. Also, identify direct object if they are transitive verbs.
He drives to his office everyday.
My mother was very nervous, and he...
Exercise 4.6 : Complete these sentences using the adjectives given with the right meaning.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 9:20 PM
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Exercise 4.6 : Complete these sentences using the adjectives given with the right meaning.
I was ____ not to get the...
Exercise 4.5: Rewrite (Combine) these sentences to be with "It" as the impersonal subject.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 9:16 PM
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Exercise 4.5: Rewrite (Combine) these sentences to be with "It" as the impersonal subject.
I'll give you a life. It's very easy
- It's very easy for me to give you a lift.
That was brave. They stopped the thief
- It was brave of them to stop the thief.
Exercise 4.4 : Put in a comparative or superlative form of adjectives as given.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 9:40 PM
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Exercise 4.4 : Put in a comparative or superlative form of adjectives as given.
Be ____ next time. (careful)
It was ____ day of my life.(happy).
It was ____ outside.(quiet)
That is ____ bit of the film.(funny)
Tokyo is Japan's ____ city....
Exercise 4.3: Use -ed or -ing Adjectives
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 9:09 PM
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Exercise 4.3: Use -ed or -ing Adjectives
When you find something funny, you are ____ by it.( amused, amusing)
We were rather ____ with the results. (disappointed, disappointing)
She is a brilliant woman. She has the most ____ ideas....
Exercise 4.2 : Put the adjectives in the correct order
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 10:25 PM
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Exercise 4.2: Put the adjectives in the correct order.
a, round, table, large, wood
a large round wooden table
small, paper, brown, some, bag
a, young, nice, man, intelligent
grey, two, pullovers, woollen
fat, legs, these, short
Exercise 4.1 : Form adjective from nouns and verbs given
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 4:36 AM
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Exercise 4.1 : Form adjective from nouns and verbs given
Exercise 3.12 : Put in this, these or those to complete the sentence.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 1:33 PM
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Exercise 3.12 : Put in this, these or those to complete the sentence.
____ is a great party, isn't it?
Yes, I'm really enjoy it.
What kind of planes are ____ ?
I don't know. They're too far away...
Exercise 3.11 : Fill in the blank with who, whom,whose, which or that
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 1:28 PM
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Exercise 3.11 : Fill in the blank with who, whom,whose, which or that.
I also know the artist ____ paintings are on exhibit.
The photographs ____ are being exhibited are all for sale.
He is the artist ___ Nancy recently bought a...
Exercise 3.10 : Write content questions of the bold-printed word or words. Use who, whom, whose, what or which
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 12:16 PM
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Exercise 3.10 : Write content questions of the bold-printed word or words. Use who, whom, whose, what or which.
Maria wrote that letter.
Who wrote that letter?
I can answer that question.
Boo and Ann are coming to dinner...
Exercise 3.9 : Put in much, many
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 11:51 AM
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Exercise 3.9 : Put in much, many.
A: Do you drink ____ coffee?
B:No, Not ____
We saw ____ interesting things in the museum.
There was ___ food at the party but I didn't eat ____.
A: Have you got any cheese?
Words of the day: Law
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 12:51 PM
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Law is the whole system of rules that people in a particular country or area must obey (กฏหมาย)
make a law = officially be made a law (ออกกฏหมาย) (v)
lawmaking = officially be made a law (การออกกฏหมาย)(n)
pass a law = officially be made a law...
Exercise 3.8 : Put in other, the other,another as a determiner or a pronoun.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 11:54 AM
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Exercise 3.8 : Put in other, the other,another as a determiner or a pronoun.
I used to have two tennis rackets, but I sold one to my friend and ____ to my cousin.
Mary got two dresses for birthday. She gave one to her sister and...
Exercise 3.7 Put in no, none, neither.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 8:28 AM
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Exercise 3.7 Put in no, none, neither.
I've got ____ appetite.
A: How many people did you meet?B: ____.
There were two pictures on the wall. I like ___ of them.
Tom and I didn't eat anything. ___ of us was hungry.
The food in the freezer...
Exercise 3.6 Put in all, most and some
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 3:51 AM
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Exercise 3.6 Put in all, most and some.
We found ____ old pictures. ____ were damaged, but ____ were all right.
You can have ____ of this cake but not ____ of it.
She has lived in London ____ her life.
A: Do you know those people?B:...
Exercise 3.5: Put in both, either and neither as determiner or a pronouns.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 7:44 AM
1 comment
Exercise 3.5: Put in both, either and neither as determiner or a pronouns.
Mary has got two sisters. ____ sisters are married. (nobody, anybody)
There are two novels on the shelf. I don't like ____ of them.
My friend and I didn't know...
Exercise 3.4: Complete the following sentences by choosing one of the indefinite pronouns in the brackets.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 6:59 AM
1 comment
Exercise 3.4: Complete the following sentences by choosing one of the indefinite pronouns in the brackets.
I didn't meet ____ new. (nobody, anybody)
That's very easy job. ____ can do it.(Anybody, Nobody, Somebody).
____ likes being poor.(Nobody,...
Exercise 3.3: Complete the answers to these questions using one or ones.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 2:14 AM
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Exercise 3.3: Complete the answers to these questions using one or ones.
How many cars are there?Five. Three big ____ and two small ____.
What color are they?There are two white ____ and three black ____.
How many small cars are they?Two....
Exercise 3.2 Complete the sentences by adding possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 2:08 AM
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Exercise 3.2 Complete the sentences by adding possessive adjectives (my, his, her, etc.) or possessive pronouns(mine, his, hers, etc.).
Jack had ____ hair cut. (his, hers)
It was his fault, not _____ (their, theirs).
A: Is that bag Mary'sB:...
Exercise 3.1 Complete these sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 6:45 AM
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Exercise 3.1 Complete these sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns.
Rita cut ____ while she was chopping vegetables.
A: Did your secretary answer the phone?B: No, I _____ answered it.
His wife told a lie. She should be ashamed...
Exercise 2.12 : Use a, an or the to complete the sentence and fill in the blank, choosing from alternative given
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 4:05 AM
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Exercise 2.12
a. Use a, an or the to complete the sentence.
b. Fill in the blank, choosing from alternative given.
You will ask how I intent to make up (a.) _____ lost revenue.
(b.) _____ problem with (c.) ______ national income
สรุปแนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ENG1001 (EN101) มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 12:18 AM
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สรุปแนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ENG1001 (EN101) ประโยคพื้นฐานและศัพท์จำเป็นในชีวิตประจำวัน
Basic Sentences and Essential Vocabulary In Daily Life
ผมได้ทำสรุปแนวข้อสอบ ซึ่งเป็นหลัก grammar ที่ออกบ่อยๆในแต่ละปี ที่ผมรวบรวมไว้อ่านก่อนเข้าห้องสอบซึ่งคิดว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่านไม่มากก็น้อยดังต่อไปนี้ครับ
Exercise 2.11 Fill in the blank with much/many/a lot of or lots of.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 10:19 PM
Exercise 2.11 Fill in the blank with much/many/a lot of or lots of.
Isn't there ____ milk in the fridge?
I drink ____ coffee.
How ___ money have you got?
He hasn't got ___ friends.
We like movies. So we go to the cinema ___ .
They didn't...
Exercise 2.10 Fill in the blank with little, a little, few or a few
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 4:30 PM
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Exercise 2.10 Fill in the blank with little / a little / few or a few.
Can I have ____ milk in my coffee, please?
I'm sad and lonely, I've got ____ friends.
We must hurry. We've got ___ time.
It's a small restaurant....
Exercise 2.9 Fill in the blank with some or any
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 3:00 PM
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Exercise 2.9 Fill in the blank with some or any.
They didn't make ____ mistakes.
There are ____ beautiful flowers in the garden.
I haven't got ___ bread, so I'm going out to buy ____.
I went to buy ___ milk but they didn't have ____...
Exercise 2.8 Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.
Posted by ENG 1001 Exam Preparation Team
Posted on 6:53 PM
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Exercise 2.8 Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.
There are many problem in (today) ____ world.
(Alex) ____ friends visited him last night.
I don't know (Mrs. Woods) ___ address.
(Monkeys) ___...