Exercise 2.11 Fill in the blank with much/many/a lot of or lots of.

Exercise 2.11 Fill in the blank with much/many/a lot of or lots of.      Isn't there ____ milk in the fridge? I drink ____ coffee. How ___ money have you got? He hasn't got ___ friends. We like movies. So we go to the cinema ___ . They didn't...

Exercise 2.10 Fill in the blank with little, a little, few or a few

Exercise 2.10 Fill in the blank with little / a little / few or a few.      Can I have ____ milk in my coffee, please? I'm sad and lonely, I've got ____ friends. We must hurry. We've got ___ time. It's a small restaurant....

Exercise 2.9 Fill in the blank with some or any

Exercise 2.9 Fill in the blank with some or any.      They didn't make ____ mistakes. There are ____ beautiful flowers in the garden. I haven't got ___ bread, so I'm going out to buy ____. I went to buy ___ milk but they didn't have ____...

Exercise 2.8 Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.

Exercise 2.8 Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.      There are many problem in (today) ____ world. (Alex) ____ friends visited him last night. I don't know (Mrs. Woods) ___ address. (Monkeys) ___...

Exercise 2.7 Use possessive adjectives to complete the sentence

Exercise 2.7 Use possessive adjectives to complete the sentence Example: This book belongs to me. OR I own this book.                  = It it my book.      This pen belongs to him. It is...

Exercise 2.6 Insert a / an or the where necessary or leave a blank where no article is required

Exercise 2.6 Insert a / an or the where necessary or leave a blank where no article is required      (1) _____ dignified private man, George Washington won (2) _____ office of (3) _____ president and (4) ____ role of "Father of Our Country"...

Pronouns (คำสรรพนาม)

Pronoun (pron.) คือคำสรรพนามที่ใช้แท่น คำนาม นามวลี หรือประโยคที่แสดงสถานการณ์ใดสถานการณ์หนึ่ง ซึ่งทำหน้าที่เหมือนคำนาม ดังนั้นจึงทำหน้าที่เป็นได้ทั้ง ประธาร กรรม หรือส่วนเติมเต็มของประโยค Pronouns (คำสรรพนาม) แบ่ง ได้ 6 ประเภท คือ Personal Pronouns (บุรุษสรรพนาม) เป็นสรรพนามที่ใช้แทนคน...

Exercise 2.5 Insert a / an or the where necessary or leave a blank where no article is required

Exercise 2.5 Insert a / an or the where necessary or leave a blank where no article is required        (1) _____ worst nuclear accident ever to occur in (2) ____ United State took place at (3) ___ Three Mile Island nuclear reactor...

Exercise 2.4 Insert a / an or the where necessary or leave a blank where no article is required

Exercise 2.4 Insert a / an or the where necessary or leave a blank where no article is required.               (1) ____ Titanic, a British Steamer, sank in (2) _____ North Atlantic last night after hitting (3) ____...

Exercise 2.3 Look at the bold-printed words in these sentences. Underline the correct one (ones)

Exercise 2.3 Look at the bold-printed words in these sentences. Underline the correct one (ones)      1. Children / The children learn things / the things quickly. 2. Everybody needs friends / the friends. 3. Your garden is very nice. Flowers...

Exercise 2.2 Complete the sentences using a, an, the or blank

Exercise 2.2 Complete the sentences using a, an, the or blank      1. Are you going to ____ post office. 2. Don usually goes to ____ church on Sunday. 3. Montreal is _____ large city in Canada. 4. We live in ____ old house near _____ station. 5....

Exercise 2.1 Use a, an or blank to complete the sentences.

Exercise 2.1 Use a, an or blank to complete the sentences.      1. Bangkok is ____ city. 2. A cat is _____ animal. 3. Europe is _____ continent. 4. ______ fruit is good in Thailand. 5. Cats are ____ animals. 6. Japan and China are ____ countries...

Determiners (คำนำหน้านาม)

Determiners คำจำกัดความของ Determiners คือ Determiners – words or phrases that precede a noun or noun phrase and serve to express its reference in the context. The most common of these are the definite and indefinite articles, the and a(n). Other determiners in English include...

ทำอย่างไรให้สอบผ่าน วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ENG1001

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ENG1001 หรือรหัสวิชาเดิม EN101 ชื่อวิชาก็คือ ประโยคพื้นฐานและศัพท์จำเป็นในชีวิตประจำวัน Basic Sentences and Essential Vocabulary In Daily Life เป็นวิชาพื้นฐานที่เปิดเรียนที่ มหาวิยาลัยรามคำแหง นักศึกษาทุกคนต้องผ่านวิชานี้ไม่งั้นก็จะไม่จบหลักสูตร การจะทำอย่างไรให้ผ่านวิชานี้...

Exercise 1.11 : Change the following proper nouns into proper adjectives

Exercise 1.11 : Change the following proper nouns into proper adjectives. No. Words Answer 1. Africa Answer:  African 2. Algeria Answer:  Algerlan 3. America Answer:  American 4. Angola ...

Exercse 1.10 : Give the plural for each of these nouns

Exercise 1.10 : Give the plural for each of these nouns. No. Words Answer 1. book Answer:  books 2. chair Answer:  chairs 3. leaf Answer:  leaves 4. pencil Answer:  pencils ...

Exercise 1.9 : Complete each sentences with a suitable noun

Exercise 1.9 : Complete each sentences with a suitable noun: Example: He likes fish. No. Sentence Answer 1. I play ___________. Answer:  I play table tennis. 2. She reads ___________. Answer:  She reads...

Exercise 1.8 : Identify Collective Nouns

Exercise 1.8 : Underline the collective nouns:      bunch, ruler, school, soldier, army, bird, flock, player, team, boy, student, class, father, family      Answer:       bunch, ruler, school, soldier,...

Exercise 1.7 : Identify Proper Nouns

Exercise 1.7 : Underline the proper nouns:      Richard, David, girl, brother, box, dictionary, Kuala Lumpur, night, dog, rain, sheep, England, Singapore, air, glass, children, father, wife, Japan, Bangkok Bank      Answer:       Richard,...

Exercise 1.6 : Identify Abstract Nouns

Exercise 1.6 : Underline the. abstract nouns:      beauty, box, goodness, table, ball, height, joy whiteness, sweetness, house, car, smoke, speed, hunger, depth, feeling, sorrow, lorry, bus, radio      Answer:  ...

Exercise 1.5 : Identify Common Nouns

Exercise 1.5 : Underline the common nouns:      the Atlantic Ocean, sea, water, wind, monsoon, the Nile, The Bible,book, pencil, bank, Rex cinema, school, cinema, bus, King's College, pen, house      Answer:  ...

Exercise 1.4 : Identify Nouns

Exercise 1.4 : Underline the nouns among these words:      is, rich, team, papaya, sing, childhood, early, strength, cannot, pencil, shoe, Alice, tall, school, power, beauty, Edward, Park Street, soon, writer, flock, singer, badness, anger,...

Exercise 1.3 : Identify Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Exercise 1.3 : Underline the words which are uncountable nouns.      professor, courage, star, fun, notebook, help, hospital, hospitality, waterfall, recreation, receipt, violence, aeroplane, sociology, Portuguese, castle, brick, swimming,...

Exercise 1.2 : Identify Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Exercise 1.2 Tell whether the following nouns are countable or uncountable. If they can be both countable or uncountable, state them both. Example: table = countable air = uncountable dislike = countable and uncountable No. Words Type Answer 1. thunder ...

Exercise 1.1 : Identify type of Nouns

Exercise 1.1 : Identify whether the following nouns are Common, Proper, Collective, Material, Abstract, Noun Equivalent, Compound or Agent. No. Words Type Answer 1. salmon --เลือก-- Common Proper Collective Material ...